Pub run
Every summer we hold a pub run in themed fancy-dress. Participants assemble at 2pm at Tring train station and follow the Grand Union canal to Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, stopping at each pub along the way and finishing the Steam Coach.
Each year the theme changes, but the spirit stays the same – have fun running together as a club, and raising some money for muscular dystrophy in the process.
For 2019 the theme is pub names and all participants have been allocated a local pub name drawn at random.
The themes and photos from previous years are listed here. The pub run has been running continuously since 2008.
Special recognition to Vince Ellerby who’s brain-child this was and who is the chief organiser each year.
12 Training Tips of Christmas
By order of the chairman, I have put together a little compilation of my 12 training tips of Christmas for your delectation! Each tip was deliberately concise to give you an easy aspect on which to focus in order to make improvements in your running. I hope at least...
Shaws Lead the Way at MK
This weekend saw more events emerging from the Lockdown slumber, rubbing their eyes and slowly stretching in the new sunny dawn of the socially distanced, Covid Safe racing era. At least that would be the romantic view of the Gade Valley Harriers taking part in three...
Racing Takes off Again at Bovingdon Airfield
After Lockdown v1.0 and 1.1, a partial release and then Lockdown v2.0 organised racing finally got underway again at a freezing cold, foggy Bovingdon Airfield for the Herts Remembrance 10k. The race was originally scheduled for November 8th but the latest lockdown had...
More Virtual Action for the Harriers
One of the nice things about the scarcity of races in these times is that we can focus on some of the runners that may not always enjoy the spotlight. This week we had three runners taking on the Virtual Run Your Town Dacorum 10k and one taking to the streets of Hemel...
Club Awards 2019-20
Award2019-20 Best male athleteJon Roberts Most improved male athleteGareth Tucker Best new male athleteStuart Gallagher Best female athleteTeresa Reason Most improved female athleteKim Morgan Best new female athleteSam Sparks Multi-sport awardHeather Taylor Club...
Reason’s to be Cheerful for Harriers
This weekend saw a return to racing for many of the Harriers with 6 taking part in the Chiltern Ultra on Saturday, 7 tackling the Eton Dorney Marathon on Sunday and a further 7 Harriers joining 45000 or so others around the world in the Virtual London Marathon. The...