Pub run

Every summer we hold a pub run in themed fancy-dress. Participants assemble at 2pm at Tring train station and follow the Grand Union canal to Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, stopping at each pub along the way and finishing the Steam Coach.

Each year the theme changes, but the spirit stays the same – have fun running together as a club, and raising some money for muscular dystrophy in the process.

For 2019 the theme is pub names and all participants have been allocated a local pub name drawn at random.

The themes and photos from previous years are listed here. The pub run has been running continuously since 2008.

Special recognition to Vince Ellerby who’s brain-child this was and who is the chief organiser each year.

Sept 2019: Dean Kidd

It’s with great pleasure that I present you with my first Member of the Month nomination and for September I have chosen Ironman, Dean Kidd. Dean took on his first full Ironman competing in Ironman Italy which was held in Cervia on the sunny east coast. His times are...

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Aug 2019: Rob Humphreys

The award this month goes to a strong runner in the club, albeit not for his running. He completed the Lakeland Ultra 50 mile in July which was an epic achievement but in August he put on a fun evening of orienteering for the club and family members which was well...

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Sept 2019: Tracey Cotton

I am happy to award the title to Tracey Cotton. Tracey started with a bang on the 1st of the month at the Bovingdon 10k by storming home in a cracking time of 47:01, earning her first FV40 and 8th female overall. Continuing her good form on the 7th, she took part in...

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Aug 2019: Sam Sparks

Sam Sparks joined the club on 17th May this year after a friend recommended her to GVH. Her immediate enthusiasm to do well was apparent and this has remained constant. Sam instantly made friends with her group peers and has become a regular attendee to club nights,...

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Club Awards 2018-19

Award2018-19 Best male athleteRich Coles Most improved male athletePhil Mercer Best new male athleteMichael Linden Best female athleteTeresa Reason Most improved female athleteMary McCluskey Best new female athleteIsabel Wilson Multi-sport awardDean Kidd Club league...

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Club Awards 2017-18

Award2017-18 Best male athleteMike Ferris Most improved male athleteRoss Deacon Best new male athleteHamish Shaw Best female athleteMaria Kenny Most improved female athleteSam Raffety Best new female athleteNaomi Iles Multi-sport awardJon Roberts & Guy Woollett...

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