Pub run

Every summer we hold a pub run in themed fancy-dress. Participants assemble at 2pm at Tring train station and follow the Grand Union canal to Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, stopping at each pub along the way and finishing the Steam Coach.

Each year the theme changes, but the spirit stays the same – have fun running together as a club, and raising some money for muscular dystrophy in the process.

For 2019 the theme is pub names and all participants have been allocated a local pub name drawn at random.

The themes and photos from previous years are listed here. The pub run has been running continuously since 2008.

Special recognition to Vince Ellerby who’s brain-child this was and who is the chief organiser each year.

Marathon Month Underway

Marathon Month Underway

With Easter having come and gone a little earlier than in many years, April was left open this year for the marathon season. The season duly got underway last weekend with a handful of GVH athletes travelling to Paris (lucky them) and a fine solo effort at the Milan...

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Good Friday for Harriers

Good Friday for Harriers

I’m not an expert on the origins of Easter but any religious festival with lightly toasted and heavily buttered sweet bakery products from the friday (and on through the long weekend) and various chocolate products from the Sunday, all within a four day weekend, is up...

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The 20 Mile Season of Misery

The 20 Mile Season of Misery

The Berko half always, in my mind at least, signals the transition from the “Races I always enjoy” season (Fred Hughes 10, Watford Half, Berko Half, muddy cross country races) to the 20 Mile Season (which only those actually doing a marathon take part in). Regular...

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Ashby and Ines Fail in Berko

I’ve been pretty busy the past few weeks and finding the time to write a piece about the Berko Half Marathon has been daunting. Whereas writing about a cross country race that was more like a visit to the Somme Public Baths (younger readers should Google for...

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GVH Women at the Double

GVH Women at the Double

There was a slightly curious piece of scheduling over the weekend of 10th / 11th February as the final Chiltern League Cross Country fixture of the season took place in Oxford on Saturday while the February club league race took place on Sunday at the Love Welwyn 10k....

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